Author Guidelines

 Before submitting a manuscript it’s strongly recommended that the authors read Publication Ethics.

Manuscripts submitted to the "TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics" should be in any common version of TeX including LaTeX 2.09, MiK TeX and be written strictly according to the journal’s standards. For the journal template, please, click TeX file Template .

The text of a manuscript should contain/include:

  • a short abstract (no more than 120 words and no less than 100 words),
  • keywords,
  • AMS Subject Classification, 2010,
  • introduction and conclusion,
  • all necessary figures and tables with titles, description, and footnotes (permissions must be obtained for use of copyrighted material),
  • a reference list.

Manuscripts, which do not meet these conditions or is written in other format than the template of the journal will not be accepted for futher evaluation.

Submitted papers should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication in any other journal or book available through a library or by purchase.

Authors of articles are not restricted to being members of any particular institute, society, or association. Articles based on theses for higher degrees may be submitted, as may articles presented at conferences, provided these articles do not appear in substantially the same form in published conference proceedings.

All authors should provide their ORCID iD. (For more information about ORCID and registration for a free ORCID identifier please visit ).

The total page of a manuscript should not exceed 12 pages.

Publication in the journal is free (open or hidden)  from any kind of charge. 

We encourage you to send your paper in the electronic form so it can be refereed without postal delays, and be published more quickly.

The average time for evaluation is about two months. However, authors should note that each submission is assessed on its individual merit and in certain circumstances estimating time may differ.

Please, send both PDF and LaTex version of your paper to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the subject "Electronic submission for TWMS J. App. & Eng. Math." in the subject line.