Solvability of Second Order Delta-Nabla p-Laplacian m-point Eigenvalue Problem on Time Scales

Solvability of Second Order Delta-Nabla p-Laplacian m-point Eigenvalue Problem on Time Scales

S. N. Rao



In this paper, we are concerned with the following eigenvalue problem of m-point boundary value problem for p-Laplacian dynamic equation on time scales, ()∇ () ϕp(u ∆(t))+ λh(t)fu(t)=0,t ∈ [a, b]T, m−2 ∑ u(a) − u ∆(a)= u ∆(ξi),u ∆(b)=0,m ≥ 3, i=1 where ϕp(u)= |u|p−2u,p > 1 and λ> 0 is a real parameter. Under certain assumptions, some new results on existence of one or two positive solutions and nonexistence are obtained for λ evaluated in different intervals by using Guo-Krasnosel’skii fixed point theorem.



eigenvalue, time scale, p-Laplacian, positive solution, fixed point, cone.